Mountain Chalet

Mountain Chalet
A colourful range of triexta carpet in a cut pile twist. Mountain Chalet is for lovers of a natural carpet, it is made from Sorona® renewably sourced polymer.
- ACCS Rating:Residential Extra Heavy Duty & Stairs - 6 Star, Contract Medium Duty - 2 Star
- Warranty:Redbook 25 Year Triexta Limited Residential Warranty*
- Declare Certification:Declare Red List Free
- Accreditation:Manufactured under a quality, environmental and health and safety system certified and complying with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 by accredited certification bodies.
- Indoor Air Quality:Green Building Council Compliant for VOC emission rate limits
Specifications and colourations are subject to manufacturing tolerances. As part of the Redbook continuous improvement program, Redbook reserves the right to change the specifications of or delete the colours of this product without notice. While all care is taken, product images may vary in colour due to screen display variations. Images do not seek to duplicate the exact visual appearance but serve merely as a guide or point of reference.
All Redbook carpets must be installed in accordance with the latest AS2455 and any relevant Redbook Carpets Installation Instructions. ~Test results and certificates are available on request. *This product comes with a manufacturer’s warranty for new carpet installed indoors in owner occupied premises, if properly installed and maintained. This guarantee is in addition to consumers’ rights under the statutory consumer guarantee provisions in the Australian Consumer Law, which may exceed the rights under this Warranty. The amount recoverable under the warranty decreases after fiifteen years. For full information in respect to the scope and limitations of this warranty, please refer to the full terms and conditions available from your retailer, by calling 1300 444 778, or by downloading from